Choose a Family by Kim Parshley

What is is based on that old saying, “ You can choose your friends but you canʼt choose your family”...on this website, you actually can. Itʼs a free social networking website where people can find substitute family members which I like to call “family figures”, they can make new friends, find a mentor and all different types of support based on the concept of family. Itʼs sort of like “adoption” but without the legal papers. The site helps people find those key relationships that are missing in their lives. 

The Goal

The goal is for people to be able to create bonds with one another that are close enough to stand in the place of blood relations.. 

How does it work?

The site works in the same way that a dating website would but instead of searching for romance users are seeking healthy platonic relationships. There are 12 searchable categories ranging from mother and father figures to sisters and brothers..sons and daughters..grandparents..friends and mentors. The members fill out specific criteria based on their likes, dislikes, morals and values.. What they are looking for and what they would like to serve as.. And Itʼs a nationwide web site so they can search anywhere in the world. 

***One of the benefits of becoming a member is that the website also offers a great discussion forum that has some really interesting topics and helps people realize that theyʼre not alone. And for those who need a little extra emotional support...members can chat with Dr. Nero Cavalieri..heʼs an on site Life Coach and Relationship counselor. He provides free advice for those in need. 

Who Can benefit from the site?

There are so many people that can benefit from the website. There are those who have lost a family member, a close friend or someone they looked up too .. In addition to loss, there are those who come from unavailable or dysfunctional family situations and really struggle to maintain a healthy relationship with their biological relatives but sometimes it just doesnʼt work out that way. There are those who are an only child.. and have always longed for a brother or a sister in their life. And so many people out there simply feel alone and just need a friend. The site is for anybody who feels that there is a void in their family life. People who have lost a loved one, are geographically separated from family, or who have never had the brother or sister that they always wanted may benefit from the site 

Meeting strangers?

One of my favorite expressions is “Family is who you make it”..And I say that because you donʼt have to have the same blood and genes to create a family.. Even a small group of friends can easily morph into a tight family network. Whether itʼs college roommates, army buddies or happens everyday. A perfect example would be a husband and wife..they meet, they fall in love, they get married..and they consider themselves family..and yet they have no blood ties. 

Wanting to Connect with others

As human beings, weʼre born with the desire to want to co-exist with one another. And so is a great resource for those who are looking to create healthy platonic relationships. The website offers the opportunity to share lifeʼs most important moments with someone they might not have found. 

What to do if there are bad seeds in the mix?

Unfortunately we live in a society where we canʼt just open our door to strangers. And itʼs normal to have that fear. I tell people that they must listen closely & follow their gut. Meet in a public place at first.. These relationships take time to grow and so there is no need to rush anything. 

As an adult, itʼs very difficult to make new friends.. When we were young it was so simple. We could simply go next door to a new neighbor, and ask if so and so could come out to play..and thatʼs how easy it was. There was nothing odd about that. But as an adult can be quite a challenge.. 

Why did I create the website..My inspiration?

There are a number of reasons why I created the website.. I would say that my main inspiration was from the loss of both of my parents. At that time, there was this void in my life and I needed to find a way to help heal the pain. The holidays were really hard and I thought about all of the people out there who felt the same as I did.. And so, I wanted to find a way to help others as well.. The idea began to grow as I watched other families..Even from watching the Kardashians.. And in longing for that family support, I came up with the idea. 

At some point in our lives weʼre all gonna experience some type of loss..And when we do.. we miss that person...and so eventually, we feel the need to want to fill that empty space in our lives..And so helps make that possible. 


Setting The Course by John M. Forte Jr.