Story’s Students by William Whitley Jr

Daphne Story is a well-known elementary school teacher with a strong devotion to educate students about reading and literature. Each episode begins with her preparing to read an interesting story every Friday night in her home to excite young readers to unleash their imaginations. She may dress the part of a character; speak with an accent, or even use ingenious props that capture any student’s wandering attention span.

The fun develops when just as she is getting into her presentation, a visitor interrupts the moment. The intruder finds a way to persuade Daphne that he/she mysteriously knows something about tonight’s story. This pilot episode is about Charles Dickens’ Christmas Carol.

This would be a thirty-minute television comedy sitcom. Each episode would be broken down into three segments:

1) the introduction of the story along with the unique interactions of that night’s attending students (could be regulars or different)

2) the transformation of the story evolving into somewhat of a daydream, farcical rendition of the original story that barely resembles the original

3) in the resolution of this out-of-control excitement, Daphne always finds a way to bring the situation back into the present day so that students inevitably realize that they have heard a fraudulent/embellished rendition of the original story

4) in each episode’s conclusion, she constantly reminds the students to read more stories and books to always seek out the truth

Whit Whitley, the screenwriter, represented by The Brock Agency, Hickory, NC, has also created four other potential screenplay/treatments of interesting, story progressions to fit this unique television formula.

Whit has nine other feature-length screenplays that show a diversity of his craft. His nine complete works include dramatic action, political satire, romantic comedy, and science fiction/fantasy. Whit’s body of work stays true to the traditional three-act structure, plot points, climatic conclusions, and thought-provoking resolution.

Science Fiction/Fantasy: Conquest of the Nagas - A mystical story that delves into the metaphysical aspect of mind/body alternatives plus existence in other dimensions. It is about an American woman visiting India that becomes kidnapped and coerced into manipulative scientific experiments. Ultimately, she soon finds her soul/psyche/spirit transmigrating into the life form of a serpent.

Science Fiction/Fantasy: Cryptic Creature – A unique look at the Bigfoot phenomena involving ancient tribal connections and its pathways to possibly the development of ancient man. It is the story of a young biology teacher who becomes obsessed with the knowledge of the legendary creature to the point that it affects many lives in her pursuit of the truth.

Dramatic/Action: Under The Double Eagle – A tantalizing look into the bizarre world of rare coins and the possible dangers that might go with them. This story centers on a young entrepreneur getting the unexpected chance to possess the elusive 1933 Double Eagle coin. He soon realizes that he never bargained on its repercussions.

Dramatic/Action: Stranded In Timeshare – A young business major learns that selling timeshares will take him on the most dangerous thrill ride of his life. The main theme pushes most of the characters to a real test of convictions: whether to be honest or risk the dangers of lying.

Dramatic/Action: Visions In The Tunnel – A true action/adventure style of drama highlighting the life of an overworked civil engineer that gets influenced in a dangerous trap of sexy women, a savvy business charlatan, and plagued with his own demons to decide what is right from wrong.

Political Satire: Satire Wins The Game – A controversial story of how an independent cartoonist surprises everyone when he runs for a state senate seat against all established political odds. Truly a story about pursuing your passions regardless of the consequences that it may leave behind to get there.

Romantic Comedy: Hair To A Fortune – An almost, unimaginable story of a female veterinarian and a male model seemingly brought together by luck and body hair. Strangely opportunistic, their joint chemistry could lead them to great rewards.

Science Fiction/Fantasy: Centauress Fantasy – Set in the folkloric countryside of Ireland, a young woman’s love of horses takes her well beyond the boundaries of imagination. This story mixes the curious manipulations of old magic and modern science in particular recombinant DNA.

Dramatic Action/Adventure: Crimson In The Cowee - A great ethnic story of how one young Cherokee Native American goes against his traditional tribal values to pursue an independent life as a physic’s teacher. Faced with a developing love life, unexpected challenges from a ruthless adversary, and mentally in turmoil with his past, can he accept his destiny?

Production Stills


Goodbye Love By Adam Davidson and Keith Burgin


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