William Whitley Jr.

Actor, Comedian, Author: Man not afraid to try anything.

Actor, Comedian, Author: Man not afraid to try anything.


My name is Whit Whitley, a fortunate nickname that became my verbal recognition thanks to a friend of my mother’s when I was a small child. The nickname “Whit” has also been a dilemma when I was growing up and especially as a student in college. I had to always repeat it to other people that I guess figured “who would call themselves such an oddity.” Many of those cohorts at times called me a variation of that nickname that you’d recognize as a well-used cuss word meaning “excrement” for those that don’t get the joke.

Actually, named William Lee Whitley, Jr. from my father, I use only that name on official documents like traffic tickets and wanted posters. I have always loved the entertainment world since my first ventures to movie theaters and watching TV. I actually started early as a toddler with my brother, John, peeing through an accordion wooden-gate showing off my sexual equipment to any cars passing by the house.

Even my former first career as a funeral director was in reality “show business” since I had to look sharp, look like I knew what I was doing, and be seen leading families into and out of church/chapel services. Most funeral directors like myself have had numerous incidents although not humorous at the time, ended up being the “fodder” of funny stories and anecdotes later on.



Other Work


Centauress Fantasy

Satire Wins the Game

Conquest of the Nagas

Stranded In Timeshare

Crimson in the Cowee

Under the Double Eagle

Cryptic Creature

Visions in the Tunnel


John M. Forte Jr.


John Ray